Monthly Archives: June 2015

Peace in a Facelift

Well the feminists must be so proud. Caitlyn Jenner has just reduced the female gender to a sexy cover shoot for Vanity Fair. So much more than a “man in a dress,” Caitlyn now conforms to today’s rigid idealized version of what it means to be a woman. Caitlyn is free, rich, thin, hot, and will never even need an abortion. Turns out the ideal woman is a man.

The trans and pan gendered community is aglow but I’m not sure why. The bar has been raised. Those determined to switch teams will be forever compared to a man with infinite wealth, a bevy of stylists and surgeons, and closets full of designer clothing.

And the media is august. With their help and guidance, we’ve evolved into a truly accepting society. Rather than rewarding virtue, achievement, and hard work, we’ve been inspired to embrace a world where anyone with his own reality show can find happiness, get a clean slate, and set an example for young people everywhere. Makes me all misty inside.

Bruce Jenner can do as he pleases as long as it makes him, er, her happy. It’s a free country…for now. And as a Christian, I am required to say nice things about people I don’t agree with. (We mustn’t be perceived as the harsh, unloving, gender police, right?) But if I am silent, I advance the myth that peace can be found in a facelift. I simply don’t agree that an outward change will make a lasting impact any more than buying a new purse will solve my financial problems. You can dress up in a pale blue frock and matching hat and strike a pose saying, “Call me Elizabeth,” but that doesn’t make you the Queen of England. Whether we are born male or female, we all have a need for a lasting peace, a rescuer, a friend, a savior. Bruce Jenner’s “God-shaped need” is far more than a need for gender identity and will not be fulfilled by Caitlyn’s appearance. This is the true lesson of the week: “You should not be surprised at my saying you must be born again,” “…and not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.” (From John 3:7 and 1 Peter 1:23)

Call me Elizabeth.

Call me Elizabeth. Well, actually this IS Queen Elizabeth!

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Posted by on June 4, 2015 in The Hikes